Renewed Tab 1.17 released!

Renewed Tab 1.17 released!

0 min read (160 words)

Renewed Tab 1.17 is now available, including OPML feed importing, setting icons, and Chrome manifest v3 support.

Import and exporting feed subscriptions using OPML

The Feed widget now supports importing and exporting OPML files. OPML is a common format for exchanging feed subscriptions between feed readers.

You can use OPML to import feeds from Feedly or another newsfeed aggregator.

Other changes

In the Feed widget, you can now double click a tab to go to the website.

The settings tab now has icons, adding a bit of polish.

Renewed Tab now uses Manifest v3 on Chrome, which is the new extension API that will become required later this year.


A small release again, I needed to release some bug fixes and through in a few features as well.

Next, I’ll be continuing the Calendar Schedule widget, working on improving performance of loading feeds and backgrounds, and improving the feed widget user experience.

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